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“ক্ষুদ্রকে নিয়ে বৃহৎ, সীমাকে নিয়ে অসীম, প্রেমকে নিয়ে মুক্তি | প্রেমের আলো যখনই পাই; তখনই যেখানে চোখ মেলি সেখানেই, দেখি সীমার মধ্যে সীমা নেই” –Rabindranath Tagore

The true laboratory is the mind, where behind illusions we uncover the laws of truth.

---— Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose

Plants are one of the most important components of living forms on earth. It has a unique ability to produce its own food. Almost all the creatures somehow directly or indirectly depends on them. It provides food, shelter and good atmosphere to earth. Therefore, being a student of genetics, molecular breeding and biotechnology I am very very happy to work on these beautiful creatures without which we can not imagine the present scenario of earth.  

Shouvik Das: Welcome


Mitigating Risen Food Scarcity/Safety and Reducing Hidden Hunger by Uncovering True Nature of Genetic Complexity Using Molecular Tools and Strategies.

Hi...I am Dr. Shouvik Das. I have done Ph.D. (Biotechnology) degree in the field of plant breeding and genomics at National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR), New Delhi, India. Currently, I am working as a post
doctoral research associate at division of genetics, IARI, New Delhi. I completed my Schooling from Aklakhi High School (Secondary); 2005 and Painta JM High School (Higher Secondary); 2007. Then, I moved to Palli Siksha Bhavana, Visva Bharati for my graduation in agriculture in the year 2007. After Completing my graduation in 2011, I pursed my post graduation in agriculture specializing in molecular biology and biotechnology from GBPUAT in the year 2013. I am very much interested in playing cricket, badminton, football, volley, swimming, carom and photography.

Moreover, I have risen interest to discover my True Nature in each and every day. 

I am immensely interested towards research in order to uncover genetic and molecular basis of important complex quantitative traits in plant. My research experience has earned strength through an extensive research work of more than five years with a background of genomics and molecular breeding in important crops viz. wheat and chickpea. Precisely, it includes generation of genetic [(biparental mapping population, association panel and recombinant inbred lines (RILs)] and genomic resources [simple sequence repeat markers (SSRs) and single nucleotide polymorphism markers (SNPs)] and subsequently utilization of these resources to carry out association and QTL (quantitative trait loci) mapping in order to identify potential genes/QTLs regulating trait of interest. In addition, identification, functional validation and molecular characterization of genes underlying major QTLs has been carried out to utilize these potential genes/QTLs in marker-assisted genetic enhancement

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Shouvik Das: About

MK Bhan Fellow  at Regional Centre for Biotechnology

Presently I am Editing a Research Topic "Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Plant Architecture, Biomass, Grain Quality and Grain Yield Traits in Rice and Wheat" may Submit. Last date- 30 th APR, 2023.

During my PhD and Post Doc, I was involved in deciphering complex yield and nutritional traits in chickpea and mungbean. Those work was published in several international journal. Please follow the link.. Google scholar and  ResearchGate


Besides I would like to review for some Journal on adhoc basis.. Plant Genome, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, AoB plants, Crop Science, Genome, Crop and Pasteure Science.. etc. 


Review Editor Frontier in plant science. 

Life Member: ISCA (Indian Science Congress Association) 2020

General Member: IWGSC (International Wheat Genome Consortium) for M.Sc Work.

Our new work published in Agronomy journal  Cheers to all the authors..

You can check it out here...

It is my immense pleasure and feel contended to share with you that I have been bestowed with INSA Young Scientist Award 2021, NASI Young Scientist Award 2020 . I would like to thanking very much to my Doctoral, Post-doctoral guide and others (Dr. Swarup Parida, Dr. H.K. Dikshit, Dr. Gyan P Mishra and Dr. Viswanathan Chinnusamy). I am very grateful to my parents and family for their constant support and bearing my frustration day-by-day. I would also like to thank my past and present lab members: Udita, Anurag, Alice mam, Deepak sir, Laxmi, Virevol, Nidhi, Ankit, Sourav Sir, Maneesha mam, Reddy Sir, Preeti, Deepali, Bharti,  Siksha, Uttarayan, Dileep, Manju, Niki and my all juniors and seniors.



Deploying QTL-seq for rapid delineation of a potential candidate gene underlying major trait-associated QTL in chickpea 

A rapid high-resolution genome-wide strategy for molecular mapping of major QTL(s)/gene(s) regulating important agronomic traits is vital for in-depth dissection of complex quantitative traits and genetic enhancement in chickpea. The present study for the first time employed a NGS-based whole-genome QTL-seq strategy to identify one major genomic region harbouring a robust 100-seed weight QTL using an intra-specific 221 chickpea mapping population (desi cv. ICC 7184 × desi cv. ICC 15061). The QTL-seq-derived major SW QTL (CaqSW1.1) was further validated by single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker-based traditional QTL mapping (47.6% R2 at higher LOD >19).

Shouvik Das: Services


আমার হিয়ার মাঝে লুকিয়ে ছিলে দেখতে আমি পাই নি। তোমায় দেখতে আমি পাই নি।..................................আনন্দে তাই ভুলেছিলেম, কেটেছে দিন হেলায়।
গোপন রহি গভীর প্রাণে  আমার দু:খসুখের গানে  সুর দিয়েছ তুমি,  আমি তোমার গান তো গাই নি॥

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